
Privacy Policy

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This notice applies across all websites that we own and operate and allservices we provide, including our online workplace wellbeing products, andany other services we may offer (for example, events or training).

When we say 'personal data' we mean identifiable information about you, likeyour name, email, address, telephone number, bank account details, paymentinformation, support queries, community comments and so on. If you can't beidentified (for example, when personal data has been aggregated andanonymised) then this notice doesn't apply. Check out our terms of use formore information on how we treat your other data.

We may need to update this notice from time to time. Where a change issignificant, we'll make sure we let you know – usually by sending you anemail.

Who are 'we'?

When we refer to 'we' (or 'our' or 'us'), that means Robertson Cooper Limited.Our Registered Offices are in the United Kingdom at: Speed Medical House,Matrix Park, Chorley, England, PR7 7NA

We provide professional and online service for businesses and their advisors.If you want to find out more about what we do, see the We Create Good Days atWork page.

For the purposes of the UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and DPA(Data Protection Act) 2018 Robertson Cooper Limited (company number 03360013)are the data controller, unless otherwise specified or agreed as part of acontract or agreement between Robertson Cooper Limited and the Customer (yourorganisation). When conducting surveys we are acting as data processor onbehalf of your organisation.

How we collect your data

When you visit our websites or use our services, we collect personal data. Theways we collect it can be broadly categorised into the following:

Information you provide to us directly through our company website:When you visit or use some parts of our website we might ask you to providepersonal data to us. For example, we ask for your contact information when yousign up for a free download, respond to a job application, join us on socialmedia, take part in events, contact us with questions or request support. Ifyou don't want to provide us with personal data, you don't have to, but itmight mean you can't use some parts of our websites or services.

Information you provide to us directly through our online platform(s):We may collect and process the following information about you. In each datacategory we explain what type of data we may collect, explained by concreteexamples. Next to it we outline why we collect this type of data and whatpurposes it is being used for.

What we collect & what we do with it

Robertson Cooper uses contact information to:

Provide the services as an email account is required in order to sign up.We consider this to be a contractual obligation.

Improve the product by requesting feedback from users. We consider this tobe a legitimate interest but you still have the right to object.

Support and troubleshooting, if required. We consider this to be acontractual obligation.

Update and inform e.g. to send email reminders, provide release updatesand support communications. We consider this to be a contractualobligation.

Robertson Cooper uses demographic information to:

Provide the service by personalising and tailoring the content presentedto you. We consider this to be a contractual obligation.

Improve the product by understanding how different demographics interactwith the app. We consider this to be a legitimate interest but you stillhave the right to object.

Support and troubleshooting, if required. We consider this to be acontractual obligation.

If you are part of an organisation account, this information, is presentedto your organisation in an aggregated and anonymised formatfor the purpose of identifying patterns and trends across differentgroups. We require your consent to do this.

Robertson Cooper uses device information and technical characteristics to:

Improve the product by understanding what operating systems and devices weshould support as well as the uptake and impact of new product releases.We consider this to be a legitimate interest but you still have the rightto object.

Support and troubleshooting, if required. We consider this to be acontractual obligation.

Keep your data safe and secure. We consider this to be a legitimateinterest but you still have the right to object.

If you are part of an organisation account, this information is presentedto your organisation in an aggregated and anonymised formatfor the purpose of understanding the uptake of the platform(s)acrossdifferent platforms and new Robertson Cooper releases. We require yourconsent to do this.

Robertson Cooper uses your questionnaire answers to:

To provide you with a score for wellbeing, health and resilience. They arealso used to recommend personal goals and details of your company employeeassistance helpline if required. We consider this to be a contractualobligation.

In order to use our platform, you must give permission to process thisdata as this is a fundamental part of your journey on the app. Opting outwill prevent you from continuing with the setup and will require us todelete all your information and your account.

Improve the product by understanding how effective the platform is inimproving wellbeing and user engagement with the feature and the platformgenerally. We consider this to be a legitimate interest, but still requireyour consent.

Support and troubleshooting, if required. We consider this to be acontractual obligation, but still require consent.

If you are part of an organisation account, this data is presented to yourorganisation in an aggregated and anonymised format for thepurpose of providing insights into overall company wellbeing. We requireyour consent to do this.

Robertson Cooper uses usage data to:

Improve the product by understanding how frequently users interact withthe platform(s). For this purpose we may also conduct a drop-out analysisto understand the context in which users may or may not continue to usethe platform(s). We consider this to be a legitimate interest but youstill have the right to object.

Support and troubleshooting, if required. We consider this to be acontractual obligation.

If you are part of an organisation account, this information is presentedto your organisation in an aggregated and anonymised formatfor the purpose of understanding how popular the platform(s)is, and todrive future engagement campaigns. We require your consent to do this.

Robertson Cooper uses error reporting and logs data to:

Support and troubleshooting if required. We consider this to be acontractual obligation.

Create a more reliable and stable product for our users. We consider thisto be a legitimate interest but you still have the right to object.

Keep our servers secure and your data protected. We consider this to be alegitimate interest but you still have the right to object.

Information in connection with a support query is used to:

Provide you with technical support or to answer any questions you mayhave. We consider this to be a contractual obligation.

Information we collect automatically: We collect some information aboutyou automatically when you visit our websites or use our services, like yourIP address and device type. We also collect information when you navigatethrough our websites and services, including what pages you looked at and whatlinks you clicked on. This information is useful for us as it helps us get abetter understanding of how you're using our websites and services so that wecan continue to provide the best experience possible (e.g., by personalisingthe content you see).

Some of this information is collected using cookies and similar trackingtechnologies.

Information we get from third parties: The majority of information wecollect, we collect directly from you. Sometimes we might collect personaldata about you from other sources, such as publicly available materials ortrusted third parties like our marketing and research partners. We use thisinformation to supplement the personal data we already hold about you, inorder to better inform, personalise and improve our services, and to validatethe personal data you provide.

Where we collect personal data, we'll only process it:

  • to perform a contract with you, or
  • where we have legitimate interests to process the personal data and they'renot overridden by your rights, or
  • in accordance with a legal obligation, or
  • where we have your consent.

If we don't collect your personal data, we may be unable to provide you withall our services, and some functions and features on our websites may not beavailable to you.

Information we share with third parties

Information in relation to the Oracle 'Skills for an Agile Workforce'programme

Robertson Cooper are providing the free iResilience report as part of the‘Skills for an Agile Workforce’ programme and participation is voluntary.Oracle will only receive contact information about who has taken part in thesurvey, so they may invite you to relevant events (which you may decline atany time). The information shared includes:

  • First Name
  • Surname
  • Email address
  • Job title
  • Company name
  • City
  • Country

Information in relation to an organisation account

The Robertson Cooper platform(s) are designed for companies, organisations andworkplaces, who make the platform(s) available to their employees or membersof their organisation. If you have registered to use the platform(s) through acode or other registration credential provided by a company or organisation(“organisation account”) the organisation will have access to aggregated andanonymised usage information. We go to great lengths to make sure that theinformation shared with your employer or organisation is notpersonally-identifiable, in fact Robertson Cooper automatically hides theidentity of groups with less than 8 members in order to protect the identityof individuals in that group.

The data is used by your employer to inform their wellbeing strategy andunderstand the uptake of the platform(s)across the organisation.

The consequences are positive and will help your employer create a betterworking environment for you, and all of their staff. We require your consentto process your information for this purpose.

The following information may be reported to your organisation in anaggregated and not personally-identifiable way:

  • Demographic information (gender, age, department and level) is used tocategorise the data, e.g. to compare engagement statistics for differentoffices.
  • Device and technical characteristics to see the uptake of theplatform(s)across different mobile devices and releases.
  • Questionnaire scores to compare baseline and trends across differentbusiness units and departments.
  • Usage to understand how many users signed up, and how many users arereturning to the platform(s)on a daily basis.

Third party data controllers and processors outside the EEA

In certain areas outlined below we share data with third party recipients whomay collect and/or process the data. We do not share data with countries thatare not considered “adequate” by EU standards. We only share data with thirdparties in the US that have signed up to the EU-US privacy shield (now knownas the Data Privacy Framework).

  • Transactional email data- We use a third party provider calledSendGrid and APIsto send emails. Information we share with the email provider includes theemail address, email analytics data and the content of the email.
  • Customer details – We use a third party provider calledZOHO CRM and APIs to storecustomer details. Information we share with the CRM provider includes name,the email address, telephone, address job title and role.
  • Web analytics – We use specialised tools and services such asGoogle Analytics for webusage analytics.

We will not disclose any data to government agencies except where required bylaw.


Security is a priority for us when it comes to your personal data. We'recommitted to protecting your personal data and have appropriate technical andorganisational measures in place to make sure that happens.

Any information users provide to us through our platforms, website or serviceswill be held in the United Kingdom.

We restrict access to the Data to those Robertson Cooper employees or otherparties who need access to such Data in order to provide the hosting services.We maintain appropriate physical, electronic and procedural safeguards toprotect an individual's Data. This includes firewalls, individual passwordsand encryption. We take all appropriate measures to safeguard an individual'sdata against unauthorised or unlawful processing and use, accidental loss,destruction, damage, theft, disclosure or modification and to ensure itsintegrity.

We do not share sensitive information to any third party without anindividual's specific consent or unless required by law.

Data storage

Your data is stored and processed in the United Kingdom.


The length of time we keep your personal data depends on what it is andwhether we have an ongoing business need to retain it.

We'll retain your personal data for as long as we have a relationship with youand for a period of time afterwards where we have an ongoing business need toretain it, in accordance with our data retention policies and practices.Following that period, we'll make sure it's deleted or anonymised.

Your data protection rights

It's your personal data and you have certain rights relating to it. When itcomes to marketing communications, you can ask us not to send you these at anytime – just follow the unsubscribe instructions contained in the marketingcommunication, or send your request toprivacy@robertsoncooper.com.

You also have rights to:

  • know what personal data we hold about you, and to make sure it's correct andup to date
  • restrict the processing of your personal data where you have a particular reason for wanting the restriction e.g. while you wait for your data to be corrected. Please let us know by emailing us.
  • withdraw from our products and services or wish to remove the information which we hold about you, Please let us know by emailing us.
  • request a copy of your personal data, or ask us to restrict processing your personal data or delete it
  • object to our continued processing of your personal data

You can exercise these rights at any time by sending an email to privacy@robertsoncooper.com.

If you're not happy with how we are processing your personal data, please letus know by sending an email toprivacy@robertsoncooper.com.We will review and investigate your complaint, and try to get back to youwithin a reasonable time frame. You can also complain to your local dataprotection authority. They will be able to advise you how to submit acomplaint.

In provision of the services provided by Robertson Cooper Limited, we arerepresented in the EU by the DPO Centre Ltd:

For Individuals in the EU: Please contact our EU Representative at eurep@robertsoncooper.com. Alternatively, they can be reached by post The DPO Centre Europe Ltd,Friedrichstraße 88, Berlin, 10117, Germany, +49 30 408 17 3072,https://www.dpocentre.com/contact-us/


Robertson Cooper reserves the right to change or update this policy at any time by updating this page. We will also notify users of our product and services via email (registered email address). We encourage individuals to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices. If the ownership or control of all or part of our Products or their assets changes, we may transfer your information to the new owner.


Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy policy are welcomed and should be addressed to privacy@robertsoncooper.com or mail Robertson Cooper, Tech Incubator, Manchester Technology Centre, OxfordRd, Manchester, M1 7ED, United Kingdom.

The name of our Data Protection Officer is Ben Moss who can be contacted using the above details.

This Privacy Policy is effective and was last updated on 29th July 2024.

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